Thursday, April 30, 2020

TMD and Complicating Conditions

Everybody’s been under a lot of stress lately, and at greater risk of developing a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). But some people, such as those with autoimmune disorders, were already at higher risk, and may especially be familiar with jaw pain. We at Southern Cross Dental in Colorado Springs don’t want any of our patients to suffer or to underestimate the damage jaw clenching can do to their teeth, so we wanted to discuss how it works and what we can do.


Our lower jaws are connected to the skull by the temporomandibular joints. These joints are complex, needing to be able to exert a great deal of force and move in all directions. In people with autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, the lining of the joints may be swollen. This would create difficulty opening the mouth and may cause a person to clench their jaws or grind their teeth in their sleep, which is a habit called bruxism. However, other people may also develop TMD if they are under psychological strain or they have obstructive sleep apnea, in which case they would move their jaw forward in an attempt to widen their airway.


TMD may cause pain to radiate to the ear or down to the shoulder, and teeth can crack under extreme pressure. If the cartilage of the joints is worn away, it will be much more difficult and uncomfortable for them to function. But we can provide patients with custom-fitted night guards, which are a removable oral appliance similar to a retainer that is worn during sleep. Night guards keep the jaws separate, shield the teeth, and can help to keep the jaw in a position that will leave the airway unrestricted and the joints under less stress.


Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour operate Southern Cross Dental at 1855 S Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80905. To schedule an appointment, call 719-471-1717 or visit Southern Cross Dental.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Flossing Technique

Flossing is always an important part of oral hygiene, but that’s especially true if you missed a regular cleaning during the stay-at-home order. We at Southern Cross Dental in Colorado Springs want to ensure that our patients are still taking good care of themselves while socially distancing, so we thought it would be a good time to discuss flossing technique.


You’ll need about fifteen to eighteen inches of floss to do a thorough job. Wrapping the floss around your middle fingers will allow you to more easily manipulate it using your index fingers and thumbs. Keeping about an inch of floss taut, you’ll want to slide it along the side of each tooth as far as it will go without hurting your gums, and then pull it toward the tooth to wrap it along the tooth’s side. Wiggle it back and forth as you move it back out to make sure you’re gathering as much plaque from the tooth as possible. Keep unspooling more floss as you move from tooth to tooth so you don’t just spread the plaque around, and don’t forget to floss the backs of your back teeth.


Remember, plaque can accumulate on the sides of prosthetic teeth, and needs to be cleaned from them, as well. If you have trouble moving the floss, you may benefit from a flosser. If you have braces, you may want to look into floss with stiffened tips that will be easier to thread behind orthodontic wires. You may floss before you brush your teeth or after, but don’t forget to floss at least once a day, and to schedule your make-up appointment as soon as possible.


Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour operate Southern Cross Dental at 1855 S Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80905. To schedule an appointment, call 719-471-1717 or visit Southern Cross Dental.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Periapical Abscesses

During the coronavirus outbreak, we at Southern Cross Dental in Colorado Springs are limiting our services to emergency treatment. However, this does not mean patients should hesitate to seek help for an emergency. One of the most urgent matters a dentist deals with is a periapical abscess, which is what happens when the pulp chamber of a tooth is infected. We wanted our patients to be able to recognize the signs of one and understand why they should seek care.


When there is an infection in the tooth’s pulp, a buildup of pus, called an abscess, forms at the tip of its root. Common infection symptoms include fever, swelling, throbbing pain, difficulty swallowing, and a foul taste in the mouth. The pulp chamber likely became infected because of a fracture in the enamel that allowed bacteria in, or because a bacterial infection on the tooth surface caused a deep enough cavity for the bacteria to spread to the pulp. If it is not treated, the infection could spread to the jawbone or the sinus cavities.


Treating a periapical abscess will require a root canal. This means that after the patient has been numbed, the infected pulp will be removed and the tooth will be resealed. They will also be prescribed antibiotic medication. In severe cases or when the infection recurs, it may be necessary to remove the tooth. If this happens, we can discuss replacement options with the patient, but ideally, patients can avoid abscess by wearing mouthguards when exercising and maintaining good oral hygiene.


Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour operate Southern Cross Dental at 1855 S Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80905. To schedule an appointment, call 719-471-1717 or visit Southern Cross Dental.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Oral Cancer Diagnostic Process

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and this year, we wanted to discuss the process of getting a diagnosis. Southern Cross Dental in Colorado Springs accepts Medicaid and patients of all ages. As such, we play a crucial role in many people's health by identifying suspicious growths, and we want our patients to feel comfortable with being examined and to know when they should request assistance.


Some visible signs of potential oral cancer include bleeding and persistent, irregularly-shaped red or white spots on the soft tissues of the mouth. A tumor that is further back in the throat may cause a patient to experience ringing in their ears or to feel like there is a lump they can’t swallow. As part of an examination, we’ll do visual inspections of the tongue and the insides of the cheeks, using handheld mirrors to see areas not normally visible to patients. We may also use an ultraviolet light to check for unusual growths in the deep layers of soft tissue. Not all growths turn out to be cancerous, but that doesn’t mean we won’t treat issues associated with them.


A patient with suspicious growths may need to visit an oral surgeon for further testing. A surgeon would likely take a biopsy, which is a simple procedure in which a portion of the growth is cut away and subjected to chemical analysis. If a patient has oral cancer, we will continue to provide them with dental treatments, which will become especially important if their medication causes them to develop dry mouth and be at higher risk for tooth decay. Oral cancer is much easier to treat when it is caught early. If you’re in a high risk-group, such as older people who smoke or drink alcohol, it’s especially important for you to maintain regular dental examinations.


Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour operate Southern Cross Dental at 1855 S Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80905. To schedule an appointment, call 719-471-1717 or visit Southern Cross Dental.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Diet and Tooth Erosion

No matter what you eat, you need to protect your teeth from decay and erosion. However, some diets present more of a threat to oral health than others. At Southern Cross Dental in Colorado Springs, we provide high-quality, affordable restorative care to people suffering from mechanical and infection-induced damage to their enamel. But since we also value preventive care, we wanted to spotlight some common areas where people can improve.


Tooth decay occurs when certain species of oral bacteria eat the sugar in food debris. The bacteria secrete acid as a metabolization waste product, and the acid gets trapped in the film of biological material covering each tooth. Although bacteria can metabolize simple sugars more rapidly, given enough time, they can consume starches, as well. Some sugary substances, such as soda and citric juice, are also highly acidic and can directly erode the structure of enamel. Citric juice is commonly used as a flavoring in sour candy and energy gel, which can easily get stuck between teeth.


Problems with tooth decay and acidic content can be mitigated by brushing and flossing regularly, and by drinking plenty of water. Keeping the mouth wet will allow it to produce saliva, which washes away sugary residue and chemically counteracts acid. Chewing sugar-free gum is another way to stimulate saliva production and remove some food debris. But patients also need to avoid acid reflux disease, which introduces acid into the mouth from the stomach. This may require them to reduce their intake of red meat, onions and garlic, chocolate, tomatoes, and alcohol, especially right before lying down at night.


Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour operate Southern Cross Dental at 1855 S Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80905. To schedule an appointment, call 719-471-1717 or visit Southern Cross Dental.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Swollen Lips following Extractions

Although we don’t advise patients to get teeth extracted needlessly, the process is usually a simple one. Southern Cross Dental in Colorado Springs serves patients of all ages, and often performs dental extractions on children in preparation for orthodontic work or to prevent overcrowding from wisdom teeth. When we do this, we do our best to provide clear instructions and arrange follow-ups. However, there are some issues that are known to pop up after extractions, including swollen lips.


When we extract teeth from the lower jaw, we usually use local anesthetic to numb the alveolar nerve. This nerve also supplies feeling to the chin and lower lip, and for many children, a numb lower lip is a strange new sensation. Unfortunately, they often experimentally bite on their lower lips, and being numbed, can’t tell when they’re biting too hard. This could result in a lesion and the lip swelling to many times its usual size.


Typically, this kind of swelling isn’t dangerous. If the lesion remains white and doesn’t produce any odor, and the patient doesn’t have a fever, it is probably not infected and doesn’t need to be drained. It will likely recede to normal after a few weeks, and patients can take over-the-counter painkillers and apply cold packs to their faces for the first forty-eight hours after the extraction. (They can switch to hot packs after that.) Hopefully, simply informing children of the risk of a swollen lip is enough to prevent them from biting, and they’ll be on a soft foods diet immediately after the extraction that will prevent them from biting their lips accidentally. If a swollen lip does show signs of infection, it will need to be cared for professionally.


Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour operate Southern Cross Dental at 1855 S Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80905. To schedule an appointment, call 719-471-1717 or visit Southern Cross Dental.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Tips for Cleaning Dentures

Plaque build-up is a  problem everybody has to deal with.  The mouth is an ecosystem that is home to all sorts of bacteria, including a few that will cause decay if left unstopped. When a person gets dentures, they’ll have to make some changes in how they practice their oral hygiene, or else their artificial teeth could also become decayed. As long-time providers of dental care to people of all ages, we at Southern Cross Dental in Colorado Springs wanted to provide some advice on denture maintenance.


Dentures need to be brushed twice a day; in the morning and at night. Although they allow people to chew normally, they aren’t as hard as natural teeth, and can be scratched by the fluoride in regular toothpaste. Instead, patients should brush them with American Dental Association-approved specialized toothpaste and maintain separate soft-bristled toothbrushes for their dentures and natural teeth. They should also brush the whole denture, including the pink part that mimics gum tissue, and floss between the false teeth.


There are several safe cleaning solutions dentures can be soaked in overnight, although many people get good results just using soap and water. But it is important for dentures to always be kept wet, and for them to be kept at room temperature. Being put in boiling water or being left in a case under harsh sunlight could cause their shape to distort. Patients should also brush their gums and around implant abutments prior to putting their dentures in each morning, and remember to scrape their tongues as they normally do.


Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour operate Southern Cross Dental at 1855 S Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80905. To schedule an appointment, call 719-471-1717 or visit Southern Cross Dental.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


If you’re unhappy with your smile, there is no reason you can’t change it! Dental veneers reshape your entire mouth to your liking. They are made of thin, durable porcelain placed over your natural teeth. Say goodbye to stained, broken, chipped, or gapped teeth! Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour offer these to their patients at Southern Cross Dental. To learn more, contact our office in Colorado Springs, CO.


The entire veneer process takes between 2-3 appointments. The first is more of a consultation. You can ask any questions you have about the process while learning more. If you decide to go forward with veneers, you start making your aesthetic choices.


There are many options and variables for your veneers. The shape is the first major choice. Veneers are either rounded or square. Female patients usually prefer the rounded option while men go for the square. Your Colorado Spring, CO, dentist is happy with whatever shape you pick, regardless of gender. The next choice is the shade of the veneers. You can pick anywhere from a natural white to Hollywood-level brightness! The decision is yours.


Next, we prepare and measure your teeth. The teeth are smoothed down to make the application of the veneers easier. We then create an impression of your teeth. This goes to a dental laboratory to create your customized veneers. It will take about 10-14 days for their creation and delivery. In the meantime, you’ll receive temporary veneers. At your final appointment, the veneers bond to your teeth.


Never settle for anything less than the best when it comes to your smile! Southern Cross Dental helps you get the smile you deserve. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour, call their office in Colorado Springs, CO, at 719-471-1717. You can also visit their website at

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Tongue Cleaning For Kids

There are better ways to clean your child’s mouth than soap and water! The tongue is an essential part of the oral system. Just like your teeth, it needs cleaning too. That’s why Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour recommend a tongue cleaner for your child. At Southern Cross Dental, we believe that healthy dental habits follow a child into adulthood. Having your child clean their tongue is a great way to do so. Learn more by contacting our office in Colorado Springs, CO.


Children are much more susceptible to cavities than adults. This is because baby teeth aren’t as strong as their counterparts. Teaching your child to brush their tongue helps reduces their risk. Tongues are naturally very sticky, holding on to food debris and bacteria. Tongue scraping removes these negative coatings. Research also shows that cleaning your tongue improves your sense of taste!


Sure, your child can use their toothbrush to clean their tongue. But why not give them the best tool to do so? Most grocery stores and supermarkets sell tongue cleaners for children. Purchase the appliance that matches your child’s age range. The ideal scraper matches the width of the tongue. Just make sure your child is at least five years old before instructing them on tongue cleaning.


You’ll need to show your child how to use the tongue cleaner. Go to the bathroom and make sure they can see themselves in the mirror. Ask them to stick out their tongue for you. While they watch themselves in the mirror, guide their hand and the tongue scraper towards the back of their tongue. Then gently move their hand down to the tip in a scraping motion.


Southern Cross Dental is a family-friendly dentist in the Colorado Springs, CO, area. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour, call 719-471-1717 or visit their website at

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Teeth Whitening

When your smile starts to lose its signature shine, contact Southern Cross Dental about our teeth whitening services. This is the dental process of enhancing the natural color and shading of your teeth. Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour will meet with you to discuss all the whitening options. To learn more, contact our office in Colorado Springs, CO.


Before we discuss the teeth whitening process, it’s vital that we go over how teeth are stained. Avoiding these factors brightens your smile naturally. It’s important to note that teeth also dull as we age. This can’t be avoided but other aspects can. The first thing to evaluate is your diet. Foods that are high in tannic acids, like grapes, can stain your teeth. You should also avoid drinks like tea, coffee, and soda. If you do drink these, take sips of water throughout. The water helps clean off the staining elements from your other drink. If changing your diet doesn’t help, teeth whitening is the solution for you.


Your appointment with your Colorado Springs, CO, dentist is very straightforward. It’s a chance for you to ask any questions while learning about the different whitening options.


The most popular choice is the At-Home Whitening. Drs. Navid or Faranak Rahimpour takes an impression of your teeth. They use this to make customized trays for you. At your home, you’ll insert the whitening gel into the tray and then insert it in your mouth. They make a schedule for you to follow so you achieve optimal results. In-Office Whitening is another possible choice. This option offers the brightest smile. UV Light is used to brighten your smile for one hour. It’s very relaxing, and patients can read, watch TV, or even nap.


If you’re interested in learning more about teeth whitening or our other dental services, contact Southern Cross Dental today. Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour are available by appointment at their office in Colorado Springs, CO. Call 719-471-1717 or visit

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Have you ever noticed a slight pain in your teeth, most likely your lower molars, while chewing? Did the sensation stop once you finished eating, only to occur again at your next meal? You are experiencing what is known as Cracked Tooth Syndrome (CTS). These are fractures that are so small that they aren’t visible on x-rays. You need to schedule an appointment with Southern Cross Dental right away. Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour are available in Colorado Springs, CO.


The main symptom is a pain when chewing or eating. You might not feel it all the time, depending on what you’re eating and the angle it touches the tooth. Expect the tooth in question to be sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.


Diagnosing a patient with CTS is difficult. As mentioned, x-rays will not detect these small cracks. Your Colorado Springs, CO, dentist must examine your mouth themselves. Special tools show any cracks or irregularities in the gums. Once Drs. Navid or Faranak Rahimpour identify the effected tooth, they can move forward with treatment.


Treatment depends on the length of the crack and its location. Crowns are placed when the crack extends to the cusps of the tooth. For deeper cracks in the pulp, a root canal can help. Severe cases may constitute an extraction. It’s important to note that treatment doesn’t guarantee complete relief from your symptoms. You’ll likely still feel the pain now and then.


Southern Cross Dental is located in Colorado Springs, CO. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Faranak and Navid Rahimpour, call 719-471-1717 or visit their website at

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour treat patients of all ages. They are highly experienced with all aspects of pediatric dentistry at Southern Cross Dental, located in Colorado Springs, CO. This includes the condition known as Fluorosis. When exposed to a high volume of the mineral Fluoride, children develop thin and faint white streaks on the teeth. Though it isn’t harmful, it does change the teeth’s appearance. We recommend you schedule an appointment right away.


Before continuing, it’s important to understand that fluorosis isn’t dangerous or a bad thing. Once a child reaches a certain age, their risk of developing it disappears. That’s because only teeth growing under the surface are at risk. Fluoride is a naturally occurring substance found in our water supply. It helps our teeth stay clean and healthy! The only reason a dental examination is recommended is to determine that your child is getting the appropriate amount of fluoride.


One of the best ways to minimize a child’s contact with fluoride is through breastfeeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding from infancy to three-year-olds. Breastmilk naturally contains the necessary nutritional elements. For many types of baby formula, water is a required ingredient. If you recall, water is the primary source of fluoride for infants. It’s one of the many reasons why breastfeeding is the approved feeding method. Once your child’s teeth come in, you’ll need to start brushing them. Just be careful with the amount of toothpaste used. Never utilize more than a grain of rice worth.


Children between the ages of three to eight-years-old need to brush at least twice a day. Neglecting your child’s daily dental care is a guarantee that they’ll develop cavities or gum disease. Pay close attention to how much toothpaste is used. Children of this age shouldn’t use more than a pea-sized amount. Besides water, dental products like toothpaste are the main source of fluoride. If your child uses too much toothpaste or swallows it, this puts them at risk of Fluorosis. This is the same reason children below the age of six shouldn’t use mouthwash.


If you’re worried that your child’s developing Fluorosis, contact Southern Cross Dental right away. We can help you determine the right amount of fluoride for your child. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour, visit their website or call 719-471-1717.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Flossing With Braces

When it comes to dental appointments, there is one question everyone fears: how much have you been flossing? The answer should be at least once a day! This is especially true when you have braces. Braces make it harder to do certain tasks, but it shouldn’t with flossing. Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour of Southern Cross Dental suggest a handful of dental appliances to keep your braces clean. Learn more by contacting our office in Colorado Springs, CO.


Braces are a great way to create a winning smile. That’s why it’s important to keep them clean! Your braces give bacteria unique areas to grow and multiply. Food often gets stuck in these spots, attracting even more germs. Thus, flossing is even more of a necessity.


The most important tool in your orthodontic care kit is floss threaders. These small dental devices move floss under the orthodontic wire. Once it is in place, flossing can occur as normal. These are inexpensive and can be found at most grocery stores. It’s well worth the provided cavity prevention. Another great option is floss picks. These almost look like a small plastic prong. Between the two forks is a line of floss. The floss picks are small enough to circumvent the wire. Push the floss between your two teeth to resume business as normal. Lastly, waterpiks are an additional option. These are almost identical to tools found in your local dental office. Waterpiks spray a steady stream of water at your teeth, knocking loose any debris. They come with extra tools for orthodontic cleanings.


Although the act of flossing is itself important, you must make sure you’re doing it right. The flossing technique is necessary for success. Start by taking out about 18 inches of floss from the packaging. Using a floss threader, bring the floss to your teeth. Wrap the floss around your middle fingers. Make a “C” shape around the tooth. Carefully move the floss up and down, rubbing the gums clean.


Southern Cross Dental is located in Colorado Springs, CO. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour, visit their website or call 719-471-1717.