Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Teeth Sectioning

Teeth Sectioning is a form of extraction that breaks the tooth into multiple parts, making removal easier. Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour offer it to our patients at Southern Cross Dental. Your Colorado Springs dentists know that extraction can be an unnerving process, especially for younger children. This way requires less force and leaves a smaller wound. Again, ideal for children and other patients.


There are a handful of reasons why teeth sectioning is used. Extraction is difficult for teeth that are multi-rooted or unique in some way. Sectioning is often required for impacted wisdom teeth. Lastly, it’s great for extracting teeth from pediatric patients. This might be done to prepare a child's mouth for orthodontics.


Your Colorado Springs dentist begins the procedure by applying a local anesthetic to the area. The nerve tissue and pulp are severed. The dentist then uses a dental drill to break the tooth into its separate parts. Water is continually flushed throughout the mouth, removing bone chips and fragments. Lastly, the sectioned pieces of the tooth are removed.


The entire procedure is virtually painless and simple. The anesthetic keeps the patient from experiencing any pain. Don’t be alarmed if you feel sore the following days. Use over-the-counter pain relievers for pain management. In certain cases, prescription pain killers are given. Follow any post-operative instructions given.


Contact Southern Cross Dental for all your dental and extraction needs. We are in Colorado Springs, CO. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour, visit our website or call 719-471-1717.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Periodontal Splinting

Growing up, you were probably excited when you lost a tooth! It meant you were growing up and that the tooth fairy was bound for a visit. As an adult, having a loose tooth isn’t much of a celebratory event. At Southern Cross Dental in Colorado Springs, a loose tooth is often caused by misalignment, injury, or periodontal disease. Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour offer the solution: Periodontal Splinting.


Periodontal Splinting is the act of attaching your weak and loose teeth together. This forms a stronger, combined unit. Just like people, teeth are stronger together. Permanent and temporary forms of periodontal splinting are available. Temporary splints come in two kinds: intra-coronal and extra-coronal. The difference lies in how they are attached to the teeth. Intra-coronal splints require a channel to be carved. The splint is then placed in this area. Extra-coronal splints just attach to the enamel. Permanent splinting is more advanced. Each of your loose teeth is given a dental crown. They are all fused together with the splint.


Don’t wait to schedule an appointment when you notice a loose tooth. Left untreated, a loose tooth can damage your surrounding teeth. The main cause of a loose tooth is due to injury or trauma. This can be from a hit to the face, sports, or even from falling. Another common culprit is teeth grinding or bruxism. Grinding puts pressure on your teeth, resulting in misalignment. Lastly, advanced periodontal disease results in tooth loss.


Schedule an appointment with Southern Cross Dental for all your dental emergencies. We are located in Colorado Springs, CO. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour, visit our website or call 719-471-1717.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Adding Mouthwash To Your Dental Routine

Drs. Navid Rahimpour and Faranak Rahimpour recommend adding mouthwash to your daily dental routine. Our team here at Southern Cross Dental, located in Colorado Springs, CO, warn that mouthwash shouldn't replace brushing and flossing, but act as a supplement for improving dental health. It’s great for cleaning areas of your mouth that are otherwise unreachable. With mouthwash, you won’t have to worry about bad breath!


Therapeutic and cosmetic mouthwash are the two types of mouthwash. Cosmetic is merely for getting rid of bad breath. Patients invest in therapeutic mouthwash to combat dental problems like gingivitis, plaque, and cavities. Each brand of mouthwash has not only a unique flavor but specific benefits.


Follow these general instructions for using mouthwash:


-Pour the recommended amount into your mouth.

-Swish it around your mouth while your mouth is closed. Try to be thorough and swish aggressively. Do this for the recommended amount of time, usually around 30 seconds.

-Spit out the mouthwash when you’re done. Never swallow it! Most mouthwash contains ingredients like fluoride, which can be dangerous when ingested.

-Avoid eating or drinking for 30 minutes afterward.


Your Colorado Springs dentist has a few tips and tricks for patients looking to invest in mouthwash. Pay close attention to the benefits each mouthwash provides. If you’re interested in minimizing your cavities, buy a kind that focuses on cavity prevention. For patients who are sensitive to certain dental products, invest in sensitive or natural brands. Be cautious of mouthwashes that contain alcohol in them. Pay attention to who you’re buying for.


Schedule your six-month checkup today to continue upholding good dental practices. Southern Cross Dental is located in Colorado Springs, CO. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Navid Rahimpour and Faranak Rahimpour, visit our website or call 719-471-1717.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Root Canal Therapy

Endodontics is the dental specialty that focuses on the pulp, tissues, nerves, and arterioles of the teeth. The most common endodontic procedure is the root canal. In the past, when a tooth became infected it was often just removed. Today, dentists can save teeth with root canals. Drs. Navid Rahimpour DDS and Faranak Rahimpour DDS provide root canals to our patients at Southern Cross Dental.


There are a few signs that your tooth may be infected. Often, patients experience tenderness and inflammation in the gums. Your teeth will be sensitive when eating, or when exposed to hot or cold food. The tooth may change colors too. If you experience these symptoms, schedule an appointment immediately.


Bacterial infections are the main cause of a tooth infection. There are other reasons you might need a root canal as well. If you fracture or chip a tooth, the pulp will be exposed. An injury to the mouth might require a root canal to stabilize it. A tooth that has been completely knocked out will need this procedure to save it.


During the root canal procedure, a local anesthetic will be applied to your tooth. Once numb, Drs. Rahimpour will drill into the tooth. This opens up the root canal. The infected material is removed and the area thoroughly cleaned. The tooth will then be filled and a dental crown placed. The crown guarantees and helps progress the healing process.


Dr. Navid Rahimpour DDS and Faranak Rahimpour DDS are located at Southern Cross Dental. We are located in Colorado Springs, CO. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 719-471-1717.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Inlay/onlay restorations are partial crowns that are used to restore function and appearance to your teeth. You are going to have your teeth, and your smile, the rest of your life. You might as well enjoy them! Drs. Navid Rahimpour DDS and Faranak Rahimpour DDS offer inlay/onlay services to our patients here at Southern Cross Dental. We are located in Colorado Springs, CO.


Inlays/onlays attach to the base of your individual teeth. Depending on the severity of the damage, you’ll either get one or the other. If the tooth’s cusp has no damage, an inlay will be used. Inlays are just bonded directly onto the tooth. If there is damage, an onlay is needed. Onlays are basically used to replace one or more of the tooths cusps. It extends onto the chewing surface on the back of the tooth.


These restorative devices can be made out of porcelain, gold, or composite resin. Porcelain is the recommended choice. It is the strongest and the most natural looking.


The complete process takes between 2-3 appointments. Drs. Rahimpour will first apply a local anesthetic to your tooth. The decayed areas will then be removed. In order for the inlay/onlay to fit perfectly, an impression of your tooth is taken. This impression is sent to a dental laboratory to create your personalized restorative device. A temporary sealant will be applied while the device is being manufactured. At the second appointment, the sealant is removed and the device is placed. It will be bonded permanently onto the tooth.


Southern Cross Dental is located in Colorado Springs, CO. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Navid Rahimpour or Faranak Rahimpour, visit our website or call 719-471-1717.