Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bad Breath

The topic of bad breath can be tough to confront, whether it’s yours or someone else’s. And, whether or not you know you have it, it’s always a good idea to take steps against bad breath—as they are often one in the same with good dental hygiene.
Most bad breath can be traced to a source in the oral cavity, whether it’s trapped food particles or potent beverage residue, bacterial and plaque buildup, unclean dental prosthetics, gum disease, or even cavities. Many of our patients here at Southern Cross Dental regularly ask us what they can do to prevent bad breath.  Besides completing all necessary dental work and consistently undergoing regular exams, there are a number of steps you can take to reduce bad breath on your own.
  • Drink plenty of water: Drinking water helps flush away food and beverage residue. It also keeps your teeth and gums hydrated, which inhibits bacteria growth.
  • Reduce intake of coffee and alcohol: Both substances can contribute to suborn breath and dehydration.
  • Abstain from all tobacco products: Cigarettes, pipes and chewing tobacco all contribute to fouls breath and other periodontal issues that feed into the problem.
  • Brush, floss and use alcohol-free mouthwash every day: Good oral hygiene controls bacteria and prevents a number of dental problems. Your at-home hygiene efforts are extremely important in keeping your smile beautiful and fresh.  

Friday, February 20, 2015

Periodontal Health

Caring for your teeth is an essential part of maintaining good oral health, but your gums also play an important role in your health, and proper care is crucial. Gum disease can be a serious detriment to your oral health and overall wellness, and at our office, Dr. Navid Rahimpour and Dr. Faranak Rahimpour provides the type of regular periodontal care and checkups you need to maintain peak health and prevent gum disease.
With periodontal disease responsible for 75 percent of all adult tooth loss cases in the United States, it is critical to check for and treat periodontal issues when they first arise. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums that starts when a build-up of plaque on your teeth hardens surrounding gums. In its early stages, this gum disease is gingivitis, but if it is left untreated, it becomes periodontis. Periodontis can destroy your gum tissue and lead to tooth loss. Periodontis can even result in a loss of bone mass in your jawbone, and heart disease, diabetes and stroke have also been linked to poor periodontal health.
The state of your gums affects the health of your entire body, so come to Southern Cross Dental in Colorado Springs, CO to receive periodontal cleanings and treatment. It is easier to prevent gum disease or treat it early on than to reverse the effects of periodontis. Call (719)471-1717 to schedule an appointment. For more information,

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Inlays and Onlays

If you have heard someone use the term partial crown, they are talking about inlays and onlays, which our dentists, Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour provide. Inlays and onlays are a dental procedure performed to strengthen a tooth and prevent damage if it is weakened and at risk of breaking. It is a less invasive procedure than covering a tooth with a crown completely. An inlay is used when there is a damage and it must be placed partially inside the tooth, while an onlay goes right on top of a tooth that doesn’t have as much damage to the cusps of the tooth.
Before placing inlays and onlays, we must first remove any decayed portions of the tooth. Then, an impression is made and sent to a lab where the inlay or onlay is made. In approximately 2-3 weeks, the restoration is complete and can be bonded to the tooth. We do this with very strong cement for a stable hold. Inlays and onlays last about the same time as crowns, which is approximately 10-15 years. The better a patient takes care of their teeth, the longer it lasts.
To learn more about getting inlays and onlays from Southern Cross Dental, call us at (719)471-1717.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Night Guards

If you or your sleep partner is suffering from teeth grinding, you know how it can interfere with getting a good night’s rest. At Southern Cross Dental, we offer solutions for teeth grinding using custom-made mouth guards.
Teeth grinding involves clenching the jaw and gnashing the teeth unconsciously during sleep. The exact cause of teeth grinding is not known, but it is very common and occurs in both children and adults. It some instances, grinding the teeth can lead to damaged teeth, jaw pain and headaches. We offer custom fit night guards in order to treat teeth grinding. The night guard acts as a barrier between your top and bottom teeth, which prevents grinding and gnashing of your teeth.
The process of making a night guard is easy. We start by taking an impression of your teeth, and the guard is then made in a dental lab. Since your night guard is made specifically for you, it fits comfortably and allows you to breathe normally. In addition to night guards, we offer a variety of services including periodontal treatment, bonding, extractions and other services.