Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wearing A Mouthguard

Your teeth are a life-long investment! Just like with any investment, you’re going to want to do all you can to protect it. That’s why Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour offer Dental Mouthguards for our patients here at Southern Cross Dental. Mouthguards are removable oral protectors that are worn during sports or physical activity. They protect your teeth from any kind of facial injury. To learn more, contact our office in Colorado Springs, CO.


Investing in a mouthguard for you or your child is essential. It’s a necessary piece of equipment for sports like hockey, football, wrestling, basketball, lacrosse, baseball/softball, and soccer. Mouthguards fit snuggly over your teeth, preventing structural damage to your jaws and mouth. It’ll keep you from getting lacerations to your cheeks, tongue, and lips. Certain studies have also shown that they reduce the rates of concussion.


There are three types of mouthguards available: stock, boil and bite, and customized. Customized is the recommended option by your Colorado Springs dentist. It gives you the ultimate form of protection. Your dentist creates an impression of your teeth using a special material. The mouth guard is then built around this. Stock mouthguards are just bought over-the-counter. This means they are a universal fit, so they’re one-size-fits-all. Because of this, they aren’t very sturdy. Boil and bite are a step above stock. Thermoplastic is placed in boiling water to make it bendable. You then bite down on it to create a customized protector. They provide better protection than a stock mouthguard, but a customized mouthguard is still the best option.


Call Southern Cross Dental today to schedule a mouthguard consultation. Our office is located in Colorado Springs, CO. For appointments with Drs. Faranak and Navid Rahimpour, call the office at 719-471-1717 or visit their website.

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