Thursday, April 19, 2018

Sectioning Teeth during Extractions

Sometimes, tooth extractions are necessary for preserving the health of the rest of the mouth. At Southern Cross Dental in Colorado Springs, we’re committed to making the extraction process as easy on the patient as possible, which is why we sometimes cut teeth into sections while removing them.

Molars have to be anchored firmly in the mouth in order to withstand the forces people put on them while chewing. The lower molars have two roots; the upper ones have three. They are fastened with strong ligaments and cannot always be removed with the rocking motions used while pulling or elevating other teeth. Attempts to move them through brute force could hurt the patient or cause the molar to break apart too early. This is especially likely to happen with the wisdom teeth, which are the largest, most firmly anchored, and most likely to be caught under the gum line and not have a large enough opening to be pulled through.

Sectioning occurs after the patient has been numbed. A steady stream of water keeps the mouth cool while the dentist cuts the tooth into sections using a drill. The individual sections do not require as much force to move and can be pulled through smaller openings in the gum pockets.

Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour operate Southern Cross Dental at 1855 S Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80905-2516. To schedule an appointment, call 719-471-1717 or visit Southern Cross Family Dentistry and fill out a contact sheet.


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