Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Healthy Foods for Teeth and Gums

Did you know that there are certain foods that are good for your oral health? Just like you have probably heard that carrots are good for eyesight, there are foods that are good for teeth and gums. At Southern Cross Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs, CO, we want our patients to know how to take good care of their teeth at home. Keep reading to learn about the different foods that can benefit your oral health!

Foods rich in calcium like milk, cheese, and yogurt are great for strong teeth. In addition, yogurt contains good bacteria that fight off odor-causing bacteria while milk lowers acid levels in your mouth.

Crunchy, fibrous foods like carrots, apples, and cucumbers actually help clean your teeth as you eat them. They remove plaque as you bite into them and chew them. If you are ever at a party and are in a pinch for a toothbrush, go for the cucumber tray!

For good gum health, snack on citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits. They strengthen the blood vessels and connective tissues that hold your teeth to your jaw. They can also help reduce any inflammation.

When looking to boost your oral health, just take a stroll through the grocery store! To schedule you routine cleaning and examination with Southern Cross Family Dentistry, call our Colorado Springs, CO office at (719) 471-1717 or visit our website,

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