Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Implant Restoration

There are many options to fill the space left behind from a missing tooth. Dental implants have the greatest potential to be a permanent solution available for replacing missing teeth. Implants are widely considered the modern-day solution to missing teeth as they provide an aesthetically pleasing, potentially permanent answer to a serious problem. The team at Southern Cross Dental provides dental implant procedures to help their Colorado Springs, CO patients restore their smile and fix their bite after implant surgery.
When you lose a tooth, it is important to act quickly to fill the space. Apart from the cosmetic issues, patients who have missing teeth will often suffer from compromised chewing efficiency and tooth drifting. The space left behind from a missing tooth causes the other teeth to drift into that space which can lead to misaligned teeth. When teeth become misaligned, they become more difficult to clean, creating areas around the teeth that can collect bacteria. This can cause gum disease and or tooth decay that may eventually lead to additional tooth loss if left untreated.
Receiving a dental implant is a surgical procedure and patients may or may not be put under a general anesthetic. A dental surgeon will make an incision into the patients gum line where they will insert the implant. The implant will be secured into the bone where it will need to sit for three to six months so the bone can grow around it, this process is called osseointegration. After the surgery, patients will visit the doctors at Southern Cross Dental to receive a crown over the implant. This is done so the patient’s teeth do not drift and they can eat normally. Once the implant is secured, your doctor will place an abutment on top of the exposed implant that will support a crown.  

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Dentures and Partials

Dentures are an option that many of our patients choose at Southern Cross Dental. Available in both full and partial, dentures serve as a removable replacement for missing teeth.
If providing patients with conventional full dentures, either Dr. Navid Rahimpour or Dr. Faranak Rahimpour will remove all the teeth from the patient’s mouth. Afterwards, the gums are given time to heal before dentures are placed. The patient would be without teeth during this healing process, which can take a couple months.
Immediate full dentures forgo this healing process with no teeth. Prior to having their teeth removed, the dentist takes measurements of the patient’s mouth, so that dentures are ready after teeth have been removed. This type of full denture requires a follow-up visit to refit the dentures wince the jaw bone will slightly change shape as the mouth heals.
Partial dentures are another option for those who do not need all their teeth to be removed. This makes them similar to bridges, but partial dentures are not permanent fixtures.
Whichever dentures our patients choose, they take time getting used to, and even though they are not real teeth, they should still be cared for as if they were. They should be brushed before removal and should be placed in room temperature water or cleaning solution overnight.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

White Fillings

The metal amalgam fillings are rarely used by dentists because of how many disadvantages there are. Our team here at Southern Cross Dental prefers to use white fillings, which are made of sturdy composite resin for a long-standing filling that fills cavities and helps with other imperfections of the tooth. White fillings match the exact shade of the tooth so it doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb.
The composite resin of white fillings is first mixed to the right shade, and then molded over the tooth for whatever purpose it is serving. It dries quickly and with the right care, can last about 10-15 years.
Our patients here at Southern Cross Dental have found the following benefits by getting white fillings:
  • They are made to match your natural tooth color.
  • They do not contain toxic materials or mercury.
  • White fillings don’t require enamel removal.
  • They do not contract from temperature changes.
  • It can solve other problems like gaps, discoloration or chips.
White fillings are used in our dental office as often as possible, providing these and other benefits to our patients.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tooth Extractions

Extractions are needed for multiple reasons: to avoid getting a root canal, to remove wisdom teeth that are pushing against other teeth, or to remove an impacted and infected tooth. Here at Southern Cross Dental, we provide extractions for patients that need to get a tooth removed. It is not a difficult process and is done under anesthesia, so no pain is experienced. We do ask that patients have a ride home following the anesthesia, as it is not safe for them to drive.
After the extractions are completed by our team at Southern Cross Dental, it is important that patients follow these tips:
1. Only eat soft foods for the first few days following the surgery, such as yogurt, pudding and mashed potatoes.
2. Don’t use a straw when drinking liquids.
3. Avoid chewing on the side of the mouth where the tooth was extracted.
4. Avoid smoking cigarettes, as the sucking motion can pull the blood clot.
5. Call our office if excessive pain or bleeding is experienced.
You may notice some minor bleeding at the extraction site, which is temporary. An ice pack works wonders for any lingering pain.
If you want to find out more about getting extractions done in our Colorado Springs, CO office, visit us online at or call us today at (719) 471-1717.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are one of many procedures we offer our patients when they lose one or multiple teeth.  A bridge is made with abutment teeth to replace the missing teeth, and tailored to natural teeth on either end. These natural teeth will be covered with crowns to make them more stable, and must be contoured and reshaped slightly to make room for the crowns. Here at Southern Cross Dental, patients choose this option as a quick and easy way to replace their missing teeth, allowing them to eat as normal.
The following are some facts patients should know about dental bridges:
  • Bridges help prevent other teeth from shifting as a result of the missing tooth.
  •  They require a natural tooth on either side of the missing tooth or teeth.
  •  The bridge can be done for one or multiple missing teeth in a row.
  • A bridge is like a partial denture, though it cannot be removed.
The bridge is not obvious to anyone other than the patient, so they have more confidence when smiling, talking and eating. They must be taken care of the same way as their other teeth, including regular brushing.
Call us at 719-471-1717 or visit our to learn more about bridges.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Porcelain Veneers

Many of us wish we could change something about our smile.  We might want to improve our alignment and brightness or correct chips and cracks.  While there are many ways to improve the cosmetic appearance of our smiles, veneers provide my patients with the opportunity to completely makeover their smile look.  Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are individually crafted to meet an individual patient’s needs.  Some of the many cosmetic problems veneers can correct include:
  • Discoloration
  • Cracks
  • Chips
  • Gaps
  • Misalignment
Since veneers cover your existing tooth structure, you can create a truly picture perfect smile.  Colorado Springs, CO patients that have chosen veneers have been thrilled with the results of their new makeover.  In as little as two visits to the office, you can find confidence in a new, beautiful smile.  Veneers are a great way to completely makeover your smile, but they aren’t for everyone.  If you are interested in this cosmetic dental service, schedule an appointment at my office.  I’m happy to help patients decide if veneers are the best option for their smile needs.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are one of many restorative dentistry procedures we offer here at Southern Cross Dental. Crowns have multiple purposes for our patients, including covering imperfections of the tooth, protecting a tooth weakened from tooth decay, and preventing cracking or breaking after a root canal. Crowns cover the tooth like a cap, and are made to look and function just like a regular tooth.
Receiving a dental crown takes about 2-3 visits and includes the following:
1. Shade matching - We match the shade of the crown to your existing teeth so they look perfectly natural
2. Reshaping the enamel of the broken tooth so the crown can be placed over the affected area properly
3. After the tooth is reshaped, we will create a mold of the area that the crown will be placed
4. The mold is sent to a dental lab where it will be created, this usually takes about two weeks. We will place a temporary crown until the permanent crown is ready
5. Once the crown is completed, we will bond it to your existing teeth with cement.
Whether you have staining, need to save your natural tooth, or have other imperfections, crowns can be incredibly beneficial. If you live in the Colorado Springs, CO area and are in need of a dental crown, schedule a consultation with either Dr. Navid Rahimpour or Dr. Faranak Rahimpour today. We are welcoming new patients.