Thursday, October 17, 2019

Flossing With Braces

It’s a common belief that you can’t have tooth decay when you have braces. This is not true. Not only should you be brushing frequently, but flossing too! Drs. Navid and Faranak Rahimpour have put together this guide for flossing with braces. The best thing you can do is invest in the various flossing applicators. Learn more by talking to our staff in Colorado Springs, CO.


You need to floss at least once a day, especially with braces. Try flossing after every meal too. Your braces create new alcoves for bacteria to fester. Food that becomes trapped in the orthodontic work attracts even more pathogens. Outstanding dental care becomes of the highest importance.


The most important tool in your orthodontic care kit is floss threaders. These are small dental devices that look similar to a sewing needle. You string your floss through the eye on one end. From there, move the threader under the braces wire. You’ll now be able to move the floss normally.


Another great alternative is floss picks. These look like miniature forked prongs. Between the two prongs is a small thread of floss. Move the floss around the wire and place it between the teeth. It works just like normal, cleaning your gums of any debris.


Lastly, many patients find success with waterpiks. These are similar to the tools used in your Colorado Springs, CO, dental office. Waterpiks spray a steady stream of water at your teeth. The pressure pushes out any trapped debris. Most come with attachments specifically for orthodontic cleanings.


Interested in learning more? Visit Southern Cross Dental in Colorado Springs, CO. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Faranak and Navid Rahimpour, visit their website or call 719-471-1717.

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