Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Full and Partial Dentures

Patients looking to restore their smile after losing multiple teeth find that dentures offer them a great solution in Colorado Springs, CO. Dr. Navid Rahimpour, Dr. Faranak Rahimpour and their experienced team here at Southern Cross Dental offers two different types of dentures: partial dentures and conventional full dentures.

Conventional full dentures are one type of dentures that are used once all of a patient’s teeth have been removed. However, they are not placed until after the patient’s gum tissue has healed from the teeth extraction, which usually takes a few months. During that healing time, the patient would not have any teeth at all.

When a patient does not need all their teeth removed but still have a significant portion removed, partial dentures are a common solution. They are similar to bridges except bridges are permanent while partial dentures are removable. Whichever type of dentures a patient gets, they do take time getting used to since the flesh-colored base is placed over the gums, which can feel bulky or make their mouth feel crowded. However, as patients train themselves, eating and talking will begin to feel more natural.

Whether you’ve already lost a significant amount of teeth or are in need of extractions, dentures are a popular option, and Dr. Navid and Dr. Faranak Rahimpour are able to help patients find which choice is best for them. To schedule an appointment at Southern Cross Dental, call (719) 471-1717. For more information about the dentists and their services, please visit   

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